Friday, May 5, 2017

Mice Infestation SOLVED Naturally

Have you ever been startled inside your own house because of mice running around? Do you take pity to eliminate them by smashing it with a hard object? Did you just try to scare them away but get annoyed that they keep coming back? Did you ever clean all the stools they left behind and litters they create? If your answer to all of the question is yes, then continue reading and rid yourself with mice problems.

It is really important to eliminate theres creatures out of your home. Aside from creating a mess in your house and feeding on anything, they also carry many known diseases that can be transmitted to humans. And those are the reasons why we need to implement a natural and effective solution to get rid of them without using pesticide and other chemicals or poison.

Traditional method used are traps and bait. But mice gets clever and they can easily determine traps and baits by excreting on them, thus giving warning to other mice. Most people are now looking for ways to eliminate them in a more natural and safe way without using any harmful chemicals or poison.

Follow this two part steps for eliminating mice in your homes. Firstly, you need to make sure that there is no holes and cracks in your house, especially in your ceiling. The holes where they could come in should be sealed, as for the ceiling, it is just for prevention if the mice dies in those area, you will have a terrible smell all over your house and it make it difficult to remove if they squeezed themselves at the inner corners of your ceiling.The second part are the methods you need to employ after you have finished patching up all the holes and crack in your house.

The succeeding methods are the second part of the natural solution of eliminating mice. We would like to point out that the last method is the most preferred as it is the most effective and it just scare them away without you having to eliminate the mice by killing them. Even if they are intruding your area, they are still living creatures which has a right to survive. 

If the mice infestation in your house is not eliminated by the last method, then you can try the others concurrently. So here are the list: 

Carbonated Drinks
Carbonated drinks are effective in eliminating house mice. You might say its weird but mice cannot burp and the carbonated drink disrupts their bodily function and they soon die. Place a carbonated soda in any bowl and place it in an area where the mice was spotted. Essentially baiting them in drinking the carbonated soda. Try this before going to bed as this is the time when mice usually comes out of their hiding place.

Plaster of Paris Mixture
Combine a mixture of equal amounts of flour and plaster of paris, add a tablespoon of salt. Put in a container as bait, beside it, put a bowl of water. The combined mixture, when consumed by mice, makes them thirsty so they will try to source out water. The mixture combined with water will solidify in inside the mice 's body and thus, eliminating them.

Peanut Butter Mixture
Mice are attracted to food and waste, but do you know that peanut butter is one of their favorites? This will be an excellent bait to eliminate them. Using the same mixture on the previous method, but this time enhancing the bait with peanut butter. This is just an improvement of the previous method if it proves to be ineffective.

Pet a Cat
Have a pet cat and never have rat problems again. Mice are naturally afraid of cats, as they are their predator. Cats either hunt mice in their territory or scare them off. Once the mice detects the presence of a pet cat in an area, they normally stay away.

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