Saturday, May 13, 2017

If You Have This Line On Your Palm, You're Really Lucky!

Lines on our palms are unique. Each and everyone of us have different patterns on our palms. Everyone of us has distinct impressions on our palms and some people have said to have been studying it to predict each one's future.

There is one belief that people who have a line on this part of the palm, see above picture, each have a guardian angel who watches him or her, most importantly helping during trying times or difficult situations.

It is said that it is the angel line parallel to the life line on the left hand palm And people with this angel line easily hurdles obstacles or problems, and much more lucky in life and in love.

People who have this guardian angel lines are said to be lucky throughout their lifetime. They always manage to overcome and avoid suffering and harm, and instead have more happy lifetime, peace and health. Not everybody has this line on their palms, it is more rare than a common pattern.
Humanities' more spiritual side have regarded guardian angels as part of their belief. It is believed that each one of us has a guardian angel watching over us and keep us out of harms way. When we encounter problems or accidents, it is said that our guardian angel appears and keep vigil or watch. Some people claimed that they have actually seen angels on their visions. More common reports suggest that feelings of comfort and reassurance by people involved in near death experiences. They believe that a force intervened and miracles made happen by their guardian angels

So if you see that your palm has this line, be thankful and think of the times that you were lucky and cannot explain it. It could be your guardian angel!

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  1. I have this line in my palm. Ever since childhood l feel that my guardian angel are always protecting me in all aspects of my daily life.



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