Saturday, May 13, 2017

Plants In Your Bedroom To Make you Sleep Better

Are you one of the people suffering from insomnia and have difficulty staying asleep? Do you wake up in the morning and you feel very tired and almost sleep deprived? Do you want to have a good night's sleep? Do you want to have that invigorating feeling every time you wakeup?  

Your mood, productivity and energy are impacted by the quality of sleep or rest you had the previous night. To make sure you have a good sleep put some flowers and plants in your room.

Plants help to provide sleep promoting effects while giving an better aesthetic your room. Studies published that time being with nature is beneficial to maintaining a sleeping routine that is healthy. 

Anxiety and stress causes insomnia, so in a room without plants or nature, prohibits you from benefiting from this phenomena. Since some studies suggest that nature helps to reduce stress, why not we take nature to our homes, specifically on our rooms. People don't get enough rest because of their work habits, air pollution, mold and odors. Fortunately, there are solutions! NASA conducted a study on plants that have air purification capabilities. This study suggest that putting these plants in your rooms purifies the air and can provide you with better quality of air and provide you to rest better.

List of 12 Sleep-Boosting Plants:

1. Jasmine
Jasmine has a soothing effect that works works to lower anxiety and free the mind from worry and stress. This flower will help you get the rest you need to ensure you are at your optimum best. Having a good nights rest will make you more productive and provide you with the energy to last you through the day. 

2. Lavender
Studies claim that lavender works well to get people to fall asleep faster and better. It is also said to lower one's anxiety. Another this it does is its aroma works to lower blood pressure, slow down the heart rate, and lower stress levels. 


There was one report where babies would stop crying, and fall asleep to the scent of lavender. Lavender also have positive effects on women as it can increase light sleep and decrease REM, and the amount of time needed to wake up after sleeping. However, men have said to experience the opposite effects. Flowers sold in the market can help, but a natural lavender plant will provide the best rewards. 

3. Snake Plant (Mother-in-Law’s Tongue)
This plant has the lowest maintenance among the plants in the list. It improves the air quality indoors by purifying it. It creates oxygen during the night and consume carbon dioxide at the same time. This helps in your sleep and provide a cleaner air to breathe. The snake plant works to rid the air of formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene.

4. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera, like the snake plant, provides oxygen during the night hours making you sleep easily. It is also easy to maintain and grow, as it can deal with neglect and only needs a little bit of water. The Egyptians call them the ‘plant of immortality’ because of its durability and its fast reproduction. Be sure to keep this plant in near your windows to get some sunlight. Aloe vera also has other known benefits such as production of topical gel that can work to treat burns and minor cuts, dry skin, insect bites..

5. Gardenia
Gardenias produces a very sweet aroma that are found to improve sleep quality. Studies have shown that having these in your room may help you achieve better sleep, and some even claims that it is as effective as a known sleeping drug, Valium, by reducing anxiety and stress. However, Gardenias needs a lot of tending in order to maintain their delicate flowers. It should be placed in a well lit room but not in direct sunlight. So, instead of taking those pills that may be harmful to you in the long run, why not invest in these flowers.


6. Spider Plant
Studies confirm that the spider plant has the ability to eliminate up to 90 percent of formaldehyde from the air. These plants are great to have so as to eliminate formaldehyde that is in our fillers, adhesives, and grout. Neutralizing odors and keeping oxygen levels balanced is also one of its capabilities, while simultaneously providing you better sleeping benefits. 

7. Valerian
In the 16th century, valerian blossoms were made as perfume, while the root was used in teas or tinctures in olden times. It is used to be prescribed to patients who suffer from insomnia during medieval times. Modern research confirms that these prescriptions were indeed correct. Breathing the aroma of this plant will make you fall asleep in no time. It needs about six hours of sunlight a day, so you need to place this near your window.

8. English Ivy
In 2005, the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology conducted an experiment whereby it confirmed that English Ivy eliminated 94 percent of airborne feces and 78 percent of mold in the air in twelve hours. This plant only needs moderate amount of sunlight and is very easy to grow.

9. Peace Lily
The peace lily is capable to eliminate benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde from the air. Five percent of humidity can be increased by its moisture and it also helps to weaken airborne microbes that spread allergies. Its moisture also works to alleviate dry throats and noses. However, be sure to keep this plant in a shaded area away from pets and kids and water it weekly so it can provide you with sleep benefits you crave. 

10. Bamboo Palm
Bamboo Palm or Reed Palm are said to be able to  purify air molecules in the room. These plants can eliminate toxins from the air and neutralize bad odors. It will provide you with many good nights' sleep and fresh air every time. It creates a tropical feeling in your room by making it warm. It’s easy to maintain but will need moist soil so watering is needed. It should also be placed in a slightly shaded area. 

11. Gerber Daisies
Gerber Daisies are more than just an aesthetic for your room but also helps in production of oxygen in your room making it easier to breathe. This plant can help those with sleeep apnea and allergies. Though, this plant also need close attention and needed to be watered just right as it is susceptible to fungi.


12. Golden Pothos
NASA reports that Golden Pothos is another plant that ensures a cleaner air. This vine like plant doesn't need too much care and needs a little sunlight in the morning, plus a little bit of water once a week. Hang this plant on your room prevents it from being infested by pests and damaged by kids and pets. 

Always check if they are toxic or have allergens that can harm children and animals to ensure they are suitable for your family.

Remember to wipe the leaves of dust regularly or so to ensure the plants can effectively do their job – it is the equivalent of changing the filter in your air purifier!
Choose a good mix of plants that purify the air and those that induce sleep through their scent for optimum and better results.
NASA recommends to have between 15 and 18 air-purifying plants in an 1800 square foot home. A few of these plants should be placed in each of the bedrooms.

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