Saturday, May 6, 2017

Remove Bodily Toxins With These Drinks

Are you starting to have a healthy lifestyle buts still cannot stop the urge of sweet food? Do you still crave cakes, other sugary desserts, and carbonated drinks or soft drinks? If you want to change your diet while satisfying your cravings, look no more, we will give you choices that are a healthy alternative than most. 

Fresh Juices
Cravings for sweet snacks and carbonated drinks can be easily satisfied by replacing them with fresh juices, either fruit or vegetables. Not only does it satisfy your cravings, it also provide you with essential nutrients your body needs. Regular consumption is recommended but in varieties and different combinations, that way, you can have a whole range of vitamins and important minerals in your body. It is also recommended, not to add sugar or other sweeteners. If you want to have a sweet juice try mixing sweet fruit in your ingredient instead.

They say that in losing weight, you need to have a 500 calorie deficit in your daily diet. To achieve this, make sure your ratio on juices is about one part ice to two parts of the juice. Use this formula and replace your sodas and junk food diet with this instead.

Samples The Best Fruit Juices:
You can try to mix and match these fruits to your liking and taste.

  • Pear and apples
  • Prune, cranberry and grape fruit
  • Pineapple, apple and pear
  • Grapefruit and oranges 
  • Watermelon and apple
Some Vegetable Juices:

  • Tomato, celery, dill and spinach
  • Celery, cucumber, ginger and  parsley
  • Kale, tomato, celery, sweet basil and garlic
  • Spinach, celery, dill, lemon and cabbage
  • Garlic, spinach, cayenne,  tomato and ginger
Best Combination Juices:
  • Mint, green apple, kale, strawberry and cucumber
  • Mint, blueberry, cucumber, raspberry and cabbage
  • Mango, orange, pineapple, watermelon and bell pepper
  • Orange, spinach, pineapple, cayenne and watermelon
  • Lime, ginger, orange and lemon
Fresh Juices Health Benefits
Fresh fruits and vegetable juices provide you with numerous health benefits. These juices are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that provides the need of your body to function properly. It also boosts your metabolism for better food absorption and giving you that leaner look. Fresh juices also aids in cleansing your digestive tract, kidneys and liver.
Some study also shows that consuming fresh juices makes your body more alkali and therefore reduces the risk of growing cancer cells.

Importance of Drinking Fresh Juices
Fruit and vegetable juices contains natural vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Drinking a variety of these drinks regularly give you a load of balanced diet and nutrients to make you healthy. It can also satisfy your urge to consume other unhealthy and sugary stuff that you normal eat and drink. Instead of drinking carbonated soda which is full of sugar and flavorings, you can have a fresh juice instead, which are better for your body. Fresh juices also gives you the feeling of fullness that you tend to eat less and thus, help you with your diet without compromising the nutrients your body needs.

Fruits and vegetables also have a lot of fiber that helps your body to better absorb foods that you consume, thus, it is essential if you are trying to lose weight. Juices available commercially normally has high content of sugar and flavoring and not much of the original nutrients found on fruits and vegetables. They are also pasteurized or has preservative ingredients to make them last longer. These preservatives are definitely not good for your health.

Best Tip in Making Juices
The most important thing in making your own fruit and vegetable juices is by choosing the fruits and vegetables yourself. Only make juices from organic and fresh products, in this way, you can be assured that the juices you are preparing is of the best quality and all nutrients is intact. 

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