Thursday, May 11, 2017

Avoid Bad Breath With Just One Ingredient!

Have you ever kept your mouth shut and stopped talking because you know that your breath stinks? Have you ever had the experience talking to a person and them leaving suddenly and you realized that it is because of your bad breath? Are you one of those who tried almost anything from mouth wash to breath mints to avoid bad breath? If so, let me tell you one ingredient that will solve your bad breath problems.

Naturally, everyone who sleeps, when waking up will definitely have bad breath. The reason being, is the bacteria in our mouths multiply during our sleep and the flow of saliva is not continuous as it is during you are awake. This can be readily remedied by brushing your teeth and using a mouthwash. 

There are also foods that can leave us having a terrible breath such as, onions, garlic and most spicy foods. But these odors can be removed by brushing your teeth, using dental floss, mouthwash and breath mints.

But if you have tried all of the things above to remove bad breath and still it does not seem to work, then you should try the solution we will provide below.

Normally, not everyone is aware that they have bad breath, they either think they don't have problem or they just pretend that they have good smelling breath. Others, try to hide it by eating breath mint gums and other breath products.And unfortunately some will just close their mouth rather than talk and be branded as a person with bad breath.

Ways to confirm that you have bad breath is to follow these three tests.

First, take a pice of clean gauze and wipe it on your tongue, if it comes out yellow and has a bad smell, it means that there are sulfides in your mouth and body. Sulfides are known to be one of cause of bad breath.

The second test is, for you to lick the back of your hand, leave it to dry and smell it after around ten minutes. If sulfides are present, sulfur salts will remain in your hand and you can smell the bad odor.


Lastly, you can test by flossing your teeth and smell the floss. Any bad odor confirms the test.

Don't you worry, the ingredient that will solve your bad breath problem is Baking Soda!
Using baking soda to your teeth is a natural way of having a fresh smelling breath. So how does it work you say? It actually works by neutralizing acid build up stuck on your teeth and tongue. There are two ways to use baking soda to combat bad breath.
The first one, is to dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in clean water, and use it as you use a mouth wash. The other option, is to damp your toothbrush and dip it in the baking soda and use it as you would a toothpaste.

Doing these two option concurrently will have give you a more improved result. If you find this solution beneficial, please share the information to your friends and family. Have a fresh breath every time!

If you learned something new or enjoyed reading this article, please remember to share it with others. All information should be free and available to everyone who needs it. Have a great day and hope to follow all our posts.


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