Thursday, May 11, 2017

NEVER Reheat these foods, It Can Poison You!

Oftentimes, when we cook our meals, we have leftovers that we place on our fridge. When we want to consume them, we would always like to reheat or microwave them. Most foods are safe to be consumed after reheating, however, some are not and can cause damage to our body. Even foods that we consider healthy, when reheated can change and it is dangerous to consume without us knowing. These foods when reheated loses their original nutrients and health benefits. Here are the seven (7) foods that you should never reheat and consume once cooked.

Everybody's favorite is Chicken. However, chicken meat is dangerous when eaten a few days after being cooked, or any  leftover that is placed on the fridge and reheated to be eaten. Digestive problems are linked to consumption of chicken when reheated, the cause being that chicken meat's protein structure changes a few days after being cooked or after being reheated. This is definitely a concern, as we know that chicken has a lot of protein, and wrong protein intake can damage your body.

Another food that should not be reheated because it is not safe for your body is Spinach. It should be consumed after being cooked and never put on a fridge any leftovers. The main reason for this is spinach contains nitrites when cooked, making it cold by putting in in a fridge and then reheating it transforms the nitrates in to nitrites which are carcinogenic substance that causes cancer.

People usually eat celery raw, just wash and clean it with water.  Some use it in soups and other recipe. But just like spinach, celery also contains no harmful nitrates but creates a very harmful nitrites when reheated. So if you have leftover soups with celery, you can remove it first before reheating and consuming the soup. Just remember to consume the celery after cooking and no more reheating afterwards.

Another food that contains nitrates are Beets. Just as the aforementioned foods, it is also very harmful to your body when consumed after reheating.

Another popular ingredient in most of our recipes is potato. But, unknowingly, reheating potatoes after being cooked can be harmful to our body. All the benefits and nutrients are lost after it is reheated after being cooked. It is only beneficial to eat potatoes when all of the nutrients are present after being cooked. I there are leftover foods that contain potatoes, make sure to discard them as it is not healthy to be consumed anymore.

Another popular food that should not be reheated are eggs. Fried and boiled eggs, once reheated makes it harmful to your body's good organisms and destroys them. making you susceptible to some ailments.

The highest health risk when reheated are Mushrooms. Digestive and heart problems are linked to reheated mushrooms. That is why they should be consumed after cooking and discarded and never placed in a fridge as a leftover. 

From now on, we must be careful of the leftovers you put in the fridge and being reheated in an oven or in the microwave.Please share these information to your friends and family.

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