Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Get Rid of Pesky Cockroaches Once and for All.

Have you ever experienced opening your lights and see crawling cockroaches in your kitchen? Ever heard a sudden scream by your wife or your kids when they are surprised and frightened by these alien-looking bugs? If your answer is yes, then we have the simplest and economical solution for you.

Often times, these creatures are associated with dirty environment, garbage, and food waste. Stagnant water is where they can also be found wandering. Storage spaces that is not being opened for quite sometime. Bookshelves that are dusty and misty. Basement and attic, places that are seldom used. But sometimes, however you clean your place, there will still be instances where out of nowhere, you see these cockroaches in your space.

Like any other bugs, these cockroaches are resilient species. They adapt to changes in the environment, ever resistant to radiation and can easily survive in conditions where they do not have food. They also feed on anything as they are omnivores, they do eat both plants and other organisms on garbage or trash. This resiliency is what makes them multiply and be seen everywhere in almost all parts of the world.

Cockroaches, through their stools, leave chemical traces for them to be able to retrace back their steps to source of their food and water. It is also one way of communicating with other cockroaches. That is the reason that most of the times we see them in bunches rather than alone.

Well, your problems about cockroaches stops today! We will provide you with a very effective solution, especially if you have kids or pets wandering all over the house. You won't be needing those harmful pesticides and dangerous chemicals, thus making your solution kids and pet friendly. It is simple and definitely safe.

The Most Powerful Cockroach Repellant - Bay Leaves

The best natural repellant for cockroaches are Bay leaves. The odor that the leaf provides is unbearable to the cockroaches, making them avoid these leaves at all cost. It does not exterminate them but it does remove your annoyances of them at home, and drives them away to other places where there is no cockroach repellant.

To make your home cockroach free, place branches with bay leaves on the corners of your house. Place them in your kitchen, especially under the sink. Place some on your your pantry where you store your dry goods. place them in your garden especially if your kids and have pets roaming there. Place some on your closet and shoes storage area. 
You can either use the fresh or dried bay leaves and the result will be the same. You can also crush or grind the dried leaf for stronger odor realizing substance, cockroach repellant.  And the best thing about all of this, is its safe to be used anywhere in your house.

If you know someone you also have cockroaches problem, you can now share this amazing trick. Tell all your neighbors so that your community can get rid of all cockroaches in your area. 

If you learned something new or enjoyed reading this article, please remember to share it with others. All information should be free and available to everyone who needs it. Have a great day and hope to follow all our posts.


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