Sunday, May 21, 2017

How To Know Your Spirit Guides Are Trying To Connect With You!

Have you ever felt that someone is looking at you even there is no one around? Have you experienced a sudden chill and goosebumps even if the temperature is not that cold? Have you ever found feathers in strange places that normally wouldn't have a possibility of having a feather? Do you believe in spirit guides? Well, let me go through with you incidents that are attributed to your spirit guides.

There are no coincidences. Most of the things that happen around us, do happen for a reason. Sometimes though, it is the spirit guides trying to connect with you. Either through whispered words or most of the times in different signs. We should pay attention to these signs in order to realize what they are trying to tell us.

Temperature changes
The first sign that your spirit guide is trying to connect with you is through temeperature changes. Have you ever experienced having a big chill or goosebumps i a normal temperature room or place?. Do not ignore this sign, this could be a warning from our spirit guide to make us aware of our surroundings. iT is also a ways of them telling us that they are protecting us. Aside from sudden cold flashes, it can also express through warm or hot flashes on a cold environment. It is a warning sign that your spirit guide is giving you.

Number sequences
The second sign is number repetition or number sequences. Have you ever encountered seeing a pattern or repetitive numbers flashing your sight? Like seeing the same sequence of plate numbers, numbers of clocks and watches, even addresses that will look familiar as if you have already seen them or keep seeing them. One famous expert, Doreen Virtue says that these sequences in numbers are way of communication from the angels. DO your research on what the number mean to you. Or even try to correlate with your daily routine, so you might know what your spirit guide or deceased loved ones are trying to convey.
Special fragrances
The third common sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you is through fragrances. Have you smelled something and suddenly you remember something or someone? Does it bring back memories? DO you smell it in places where there are no flowers? I could be you mother's favorite rose that she always planted. Or do you sometimes smell a cigarette smoke in your car, that would resemble a time when you were with your father? It just might be a way to tell you or wake you up when you are sleepy driving. or it could just be fragrances that would alleviate your sadness and depression. Moments like these are created by your spirit guides and you should thank them for watching over you.

Animals Act Differently Than Normal
The last but certainly not the least, is a sign of animals around you. We sometimes assume that animals can see what we can't see. And they have more sensitive feelings than us humans. You definitely experienced hearing your dog bark even if you don't see anyone. And definitely you have heard a dog howl for no apparent reason.

Your spirit guide or deceased loved ones maybe trying to communicate with you but you can't seem to get the signs. These signs most of the times just want to make us aware of what might happen, an accident or something that might harm you or your family. 

So whenever you encounter these signs, make sure to be aware of your surrounding and condition, they might just be warning you of any ham that may come your way. Lastly, we should pray and ask for guidance to our Savior, that He send his angels to always protect us.

If you learned something new or enjoyed reading this article, please remember to share it with others. All information should be free and available to everyone who needs it. Have a great day and hope to follow all our posts.


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