Sunday, May 21, 2017

Signs on Your Body That May Be Caused By Liver Damage That We Ignore

Do you know that our Liver organ can regenerate unlike our other organs? It is one of the reasons why sometimes we ignore the signs that we are damaging our liver. Our liver even it has some damage, can still perform its functions. Accumulated damages incurred throughout the years is the only way you can have liver failure.

It is essential that we lookout for the signs that our liver is taking damage from our lifestyle. A healthy liver is what we must all aim. These are the typical signs on your body that the liver is conveying you that it has damage:

Stomach Pains
Having stomach pains on the right side of your body. It is where the liver is located right beneath your ribcage. If you are having this pain and discomfort, you must immediately see your doctor. This pain is normally linked to liver problems and can become too painful, that even sitting down is difficult.

Chronic Liver Swelling
Bloated stomach not caused by overeating could be related to liver problem. Liver swells if is has been damage or not functioning properly. You can test if you have liver problem by pressing your liver, on the right side of your body just beneath the ribcage, if you feel pain or discomfort, it means that your liver is swelling and you must immediately consult your doctor.

It is the function of your liver to produce proteins needed for your blood coagulation. If your liver has problem doing this function because of some damage, the protein that is produced drops to some levels and bruises start to appear on your body. See above example. This condition also exhibits bleeding easily when getting a cut or wounded as the blood does not clot as it should. Pay attention to tis sign and see a doctor immediately.

Other Symptoms that you may experience that could be related to liver damage are listed below:

  • Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice)
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles
  • Itchy skin
  • Dark urine color
  • Pale stool color, or bloody or tar-colored stool
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Tendency to bruise easily
There is a number of people that have liver disease and they don't even know about it. Unfortunately, when not diagnosed early, it can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences. So please make sure to look out for these signs and consult your doctor immediately when you have them.

The earlier your liver disease is diagnosed, the easier it is to cure and prevent its progression.

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