Monday, May 22, 2017

Women Are Placing Cabbage Leaves On Their Bre@st, Reason Will Make You Happy

Have you ever felt the pain and discomfort of breast engorgement? It is the swelling of the breasts when it is full of produced milk. It will only be relieved when the milk is consumed by the baby or the milk is pumped out.

A new method of relaxing and relieving the pain and discomfort of breast engorgement is by placing a cabbage leaf onto the breast.
There have been reports that cabbage reduces breast swelling and relieve the pain and discomfort felt before feeding the baby and reduces the strain once the milk has been consumed. 

Some women also said that it can soothe the breast from the stress and pain caused by wearing a bra. 

Most researches are still puzzled why exactly a cabbage leaf has this attribute and how it relieves the discomfort, only that it can act as a cold compress.

Experts though, confirmed that when you place cold cabbage leaf directly on the breast, it does soothe and reduce the swelling. This is recommended for breastfeeding women but wants to wean their babies from breastfeeding.
Procedure For Cabbage Preparation And Use:

1.  Get a head of cabbage and place it in a refrigerator for about an hour or more. Your cabbage should be cold or chilled.

2. Take the chilled cabbage out of the fridge and remove the two outer layers of the cabbage and discard. Take another two layers and set aside. Place the remaining cabbage back to the refrigerator for future use.

3.  The cabbage need to be washed and cleaned completely if there are some dirt or impurities. Remember that you are placing it in a sensitive part of your body, so make sure it is as clean as possible.

4. Cut a small portion of the stem making sure that the nipples is not covered by the leaf once it is place onto the breasts. It also makes the area surrounding the nipples dry.

5. Hold or place the leaves on your breasts as you would a cold compress. or you can wear a bra to make sure it stays in place.

6. You can leave the cabbage leaves for about twenty minutes or until the pain and discomfort is soothed. Then remove and discard. Repeat this when you feel it is necessary.

You can also use this technique when you want to slowly stop breastfeeding your child, or more commonly known as weaning. You just need to crush the cabbage with a rolling pin to release an enzyme that naturally dries up milk production. Continue this treatment for another two days or until the milk dries up.

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