Saturday, May 27, 2017

Waking Up Between 3 To 5 A.M. Actually Mean You Could Be In Spiritual Awakening

Have you ever woken up during your sleep at the same time every night? Have you been paying attention to it? Do you know that maybe this is a way that your body is telling you something? Maybe a way that a Higher Being is trying to communicate with you?

Traditional Chinese medicine have what they call energy meridians. They us these for acupuncture and acupressure practice. Also, according to Chinese culture, these energy meridians are connected to a clock system that energizes different parts of our body. So waking up at a particular time during your sleep may mean something that your body is experiencing unique sensations and is a way of communicating with you.

Waking up in the middle of your sleep should not be ignored.
Some religious men also believed that the sleep cycle is the time when we receive messages from a Higher Power, and these messages could reveal details about our spiritual journey or awakening.

Find out the meaning of you waking up during different times below.
Time between 9 to 11 p.m. could be a sign of stress.
For most people this is the normal bedtime. Difficulty falling asleep between these hours could be a sign of too much worry and stress. Meditation and light exercise is recommended to help you go back to sleep.
Time between 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. could mean emotional disappointment.
Ancient Chinese medicine says this is the time when the gall bladder is active. These hours could signify emotional disappointment if this are the times you usually wake up. Positive attitude, practicing self-acceptance and forgiveness will help.
Time between 1 to 3 a.m. may signify anger.
The energy flow from this timeframe is linked to our liver. If you are waking up during this time, it is said to be associated with much anger and excess yang energy. 

Try drinking cold water and meditating to get back to your sleep.
Time between 3 to 5 a.m. could mean a Higher Power is reaching out to you.
Waking up in this timeframe for is related to your lungs as well as emotions of sadness. If around these time is when you are waking up, it could be a good sign that a Higher Power is communicating and trying to guide you toward a higher purpose or goal. Try to be more observant to your daily routines and see what signs are being led to you.

Try slow breathing exercise and praying to get back to sleep.
Time between 5 to 7 a.m. is associated with emotional blockages.
The energy flow during this timeframe is in the large intestines, so its not a reach if you want to have your digestive system checked. If you are waking up at this time, it could also mean that you may have emotional blockages. 

Stretching your muscles and using the bathroom to release bodily waste can get you back to sleep.

Our body is indeed a fascinating and beautiful, if we could even learn how to be observant to what signs it is telling us, we might be able to improve both our physical and spiritual health.

If you learned something new or enjoyed reading this article, please remember to share it with others. All information should be free and available to everyone who needs it. Have a great day and hope to follow all our posts.


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