Saturday, June 17, 2017


Almost all parts of a Banana tree has a use in our daily lives. The banana fruit, which is everyone's favorite, is mostly included in all our diet. Other parts of the banana tree also offer a lot of use and benefits. Most asians use the banana flowers as vegetables and are used in many cuisine such as soups, or combined with other vegetables. The banana flower's flavor resembles that of artichokes, both fleshy and edible. Banana flowers are also known in many Asian countries as banana heart, as it is shaped like a heart.

Nutritional Value Of Banana Flower
According to a research of the African Journal of Biotechnology, every 100 grams of banana flower consist of below nutrition:

51 kcalories
1.6g of Protein
0.6g of Fat
9.9g Carbohydrates
5.7g of Fiber
56mg of Calcium
73.3mg of Phosphorous
56.4mg of Iron
13mg of Copper
553.3 mg of Potassium
48.7mg of Magnesium
1.07mg of Vitamin E

Health Benefits Of Banana Flower

1. Treat Infections
Some studies suggest that Banana flowers can treat infections, due to their ethanol based extracts. Banana flower inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacterias in our body. Some of the bacteria that they inhibit are bacillus subtalis, bacillus cereus, and escherichia coli. Because of this property, the Banana flower also helps heal open wounds. According to another study, banana flower extracts can also inhibit the growth of the malarial parasite plasmodium falciparum in vitro, although these claims are yet to be proven and supported.

2. Reduces Free Radical Activity
The presence of free radicals in our body can cause serious and various problems. Luckily, the extracts of methanol present in banana flower possess antioxidant properties that can handle these free radicals and prevents them from damaging our bodies. It also treats many health issues, such as premature aging and some cancer. To make the full use of the antioxidant properties of these flowers, include then in your diet.

3. Reduces Menstrual Bleeding
Menstruation brings a lot of pain in many women. Most suffer from severe PMS symptoms, while others bleed excessively more than others. Eating a cup of cooked banana flowers can help deal with this problem. Cooked banana flowers along with unflavored yogurt increases the progesterone hormone in the body and reduces bleeding, thus relieving the pain.

4. Manages Diabetes And Anemia
Although the hypoglycemic effects of banana flowers are not yet clinically proven, it is said to reduce blood sugar levels in our body. It is also said to increase hemoglobin or red blood cells in our body and prevents anemia.

5. Rich Source Of Vitamins And Minerals
According to some research, banana flowers contain various vitamins like Vitamin A, C, and E. They also contain potassium and fibers, thus making them an excellent health food and a source of healthy nutrients.

6. Boosts Mood And Reduces Anxiety
If you are feeling down or depressed, do not use any anti depressant medicines. What you can do, is try banana flowers instead. It contains magnesium that reduces anxiety and boost your mood. These are natural anti-depressant without any side effects.

7. Helps Nursing Mothers
It is said that breastfed children are more healthy than formula fed babies. The problem is, most new mothers does not produce much breast milk. Banana flowers can boost the supply of breast milk naturally. 

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