Saturday, June 17, 2017

One MONTH Before A HEART ATTACK, Your Body Will Warn You With These Six Signs

One of the most common causes of mortality are heart attacks. Everybody thinks that heart attacks happen suddenly without any signs. But recent researches on this proves that months before heart attacks happen, our body will give out signs or symptoms that we need to be aware of. 

We have prepared a list of signs that our body exhibit before heart attacks happen. And if you have these symptoms, you need to see your doctor immediately.

Improving your heart health will go along way in preventing heart attacks. Regular cardio exercises, a healthy diet, increasing intake of Omega-3 fatty acid foods are just some of the few things you can do. At the same time, you should always keep watch of the symptoms that your body shows that could relate to heart attacks.

Heart Attack
A heart attack can occur when the flow of blood carrying oxygen to a section of the heart becomes blocked. The blockage causes lack of oxygen in the heart, and prolonged condition will stop the heart muscles from functioning properly. If medical intervention is not applied immediately, it causes death.

Six Warning Signs Before A Heart Attack Occurs

1. Extreme Fatigue
The first and early sign of a heart attack is feeling of extreme fatigue. Feeling fatigued even without doing or engaging in physical activities is not normal and it might be a sign that your heart is not performing properly. This condition might lead to heart attack soon, so a visit to your doctor is a must.

2. Sleep Disturbances
Another warning sign of an incoming heart attack is a disturbance in your your regular sleep.  If you are having sleep disturbances that you cannot explain, then, a visit to your doctor is a necessity. Waking up during your sleep to use the toilet, or in thirst is quite normal. It is on instances that there is no logical explanation on your sleep disturbances that you need to be aware of.

3. Shortness Of Breath
If you are experiencing shortness of breath, it can be a warning sign that you are having heart issues. When your heart does not get enough oxygen, you can feel shortness of breath even if your are not supposed to.

4. Indigestion
The next symptom of a heart attack is indigestion. There are many causes of indigestion  but it is not normal to have it regularly. A lot of foods, normally the spicy ones often cause indigestion but if you know that your have a balanced diet with a lot of fiber, then you shouldn't have any issues with indigestion.  SO if you are experiencing this warning sign, please see your doctor.

5. Increased Anxiety
You need to see your doctor if you are experiencing increased levels of anxiety that do not have a logical explanation.

6. Weak Or Heavy Arms
If you are experiencing numbness in your arms, you may be experiencing a heart attack. Insufficient blood flow to your arms are the cause of the weak of numbness of the arms. It is usually the most common symptom if you will have a heart attack. So, be aware if you are having this condition even if you are not tired. See your doctor immediately.

Keeping watch for these early warning signs and symptoms of before a heart attack and it could just save your life. 

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