Friday, June 23, 2017


Tomatoes are very popular vegetable. It can be seen everywhere, farms, market, and even most gardens. It i very easy to grow, you just need a small pot of soil and a place where there is sunlight. It is used as an ingredient on most cooked foods and salads. What we are not aware is that tomatoes have great health benefits. It contains various vitamins and nutrients essential to our body. 

In this article we have compiled a list of the great benefits of tomatoes, seven characteristics to be exact. These are the best reasons for you to include tomatoes on your diet.

1. Cancer Prevention
According to confirmed research, tomatoes help prevent stomach, lung and prostate cancer because of its lycopene content. Lycopene naturally slows down the growth of cancer cells in your body. 

2. Skin Improvement
Aside from its effectiveness in preventing the occurrence of cancer, lycopene content of tomatoes also aids and improves the appearance and health of your skin. This also accounts fro the presence of anti-oxidants in many skin beauty products. One use of peeled tomato skin, is to place them in your face for at least ten minutes, and used as a mask. You can see the improvement of your skin if you do this quite regularly.

3. Strong Bones
Tomatoes also contains Vitamin K and calcium, thus eating them regularly strengthens your bones. As we all know our bones need calcium to repair any damage and prevent osteoporosis. A condition where the bones become porous because of lack of calcium.

4. Better Heart Performance
Tomatoes contain nutrients such as potassium and Vitamin B, these nutrients reduces the level of cholesterol in your body. It also reduces levels of blood pressure that prevents stroke and heart attack.

5. Improved Vision
Tomatoes contain Vitamin A that helps in the improvement of our vision and prevents  night blindness. More so, it has been confirmed that the beta carotene, lycopene and lutein content of tomatoes are the best antioxidants and protects the eyes from damages linked with age related macular degeneration and cataract development.

6. Thick, Shiny and Bouncy Hair
Aside from helping vision, skin and heart conditions, the vitamin A in tomatoes also helps in making a stronger and healthy hair that shines.

7. Cells Damage Prevention
Regular consumption of tomatoes prevents cell damage. All the nutrients and Vitamins it contain antioxidants that kill free radicals in our body. These free radicals are the ones that causes cell damage so including tomatoes in your diet reduces this risk. It is recommended to eat fresh red tomatoes as they are the ones with vitamin C intact.

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