Monday, May 29, 2017

Grow Endless Supply Of Ginger At Home

Have you ever experienced cooking and suddenly remembered that you ran out of ginger a while back? Now you have to rush to the nearest supermarket to get your ginger. How would you like to grow your endless supply of ginger at your own home? Lucky for you, we have the method on how to grow your own ginger plant.

Ginger is one of the most popular spice that is not only healthy but also delicious. Some of the remedies that ginger provides are calming nausea, anti-inflammatory properties, and stomach issues such as indigestion.

It is a natural remedy for sea sickness and pregnancy related nausea. It is said to be as effective as prescription medications.

Ginger also helps reduce joint pains and muscle stiffness. It is also reported to reduce pain for women who are on menstrual cycle just as much as pain medication, ibuprofen.

Most commonly, stomach issues are being treated by ginger. It cleans up the stomach of people who feel discomfort after eating. It is perfect for most people who suffer indigestion.

Ginger has has so many health benefits that making it a part of your diet would be very beneficial to your body. Ginger can be used as an ingredient for a lot of food recipe so it is very easy to include it in your diet. The good news for you is that you can easily grow them indoors.

Normally, to grow ginger, you get the seeds from gardening stores. But those seeds are sprayed with growth inhibitors that they seldom grow to be harvested. Chances of seed survival is very low.

So the procedure we will teach you is from a ginger root and not from a seed. 

You will need a ginger root, a very rich potting soil, a pot that is shallow and wide. As you know ginger grows horizontally, thus the wide pot rather than a deep one.

Once you have all the materials, follow this five simple steps:
1. Soak the Ginger Root overnight in a clean water.

2. Fill the wide and shallow pot with soil and position your ginger root in it with the eye buds pointing upwards, then cover the roots with 1 to two inches of soil.

3. Water well until all the soil is wet.

4. Position the pot ia a place reasonably warm but is shaded from the sun.

5. Always keep the soil moist using water from a spray bottle. 

Ginger normally grows slowly but once you have a healthy ginger plant, you will have endless supply of fresh ginger every time.

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