Sunday, May 28, 2017

How To Recognize If Your Eggs Are Healthy?

How do you like your Eggs? Some like it fluffy scrambled, and some like it sunny side up. Most would have their eggs hard boiled and some would like it soft boiled or poached. Most people would like an omelet mixed with different ingredients and some like it with just salt and pepper. However you prepare your eggs, one things for sure, everybody likes their eggs.

Have you ever observed your eggs when you prepare them? Can you distinguish the color of the yolks? Do you feel how hard the shells are? Apparently, there are ways you can distinguish if the eggs that you have comes from a healthy chicken roaming on a farm or a chicken inside cages.


We have gathered a list of characteristics of eggs that differentiate healthy ones from the not so healthy ones. Eggs coming from healthy chickens will definitely healthy. Healthy chickens are those free ranging chickens that roam in farms rather than caged in hatches. They eat different sorts of natural foods which in turn passes all the nutrients to their eggs. While chickens that are bred in hatches and fed with processed foods will produce eggs that have low quality.

Here are the characteristics and appearance that would help you determine if the eggs that you have are from healthy chickens.

  • Egg shell density and hardness, The quality of the shell equates to the quality of the egg. If the shell cracks easily then it does not come from a healthy chicken, and can be classified as not so good quality egg. Chickens which have a normal diet and a good overall health produce very strong egg shells. A healthy egg should have a shell that is quite hard than normal and does not easily crack.
  • Color of the Egg Yolk, Normally, people are used to seeing yellow egg yolks, either light or bright yellow. Surprisingly, these are not the colors you should be looking for. The ideal color of the egg yolk is deep orange. A yolk of this color means that it has more vitamins and nutrients than a normal yellow yolk would have, thus it is more healthy.
  • Thickness of the Egg Yolk: Another characteristic that you should be aware of with your eggs is the thickness of the yolk. Consequently, the egg with a thicker yolk and rounder has a better quality than thinner yolks.
  • Logically, as many researchers agree, that chickens with healthy diet and nutrition produces healthy eggs. A report in Oxford Journal states that chickens that consume more beta carotene diet also produces eggs with higher levels of beta carotene. Another research published in The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry states that the level of Omega-3 fatty acids in eggs can be increased by increasing the DHA levels of the chickens' diet.

Now that you know the characteristics of a healthy egg, the next step is to make sure you can get the eggs that has the above mentioned qualities. So, where can you get high quality eggs? Here are some suggestions:

  • Check your local supplier if the eggs they are selling came from a farm that have their chicken confined in hatches or a farm with free roaming chickens. Normally they would label them as eggs from "native" chickens are the best.
  • Next is to grow your own chickens, if you have the time and space for them. These naturally grown chickens will produce better eggs than the one sold on local supermarkets.
  • If there is a local farm in your area, you can ask them how they raise their chickens. As we have already mentioned, chickens with natural diet produces better eggs than those fed with processed foods and grown in hatches.

Once you get the supplier where you confirmed that the eggs are healthy, you should definitely recommend to your friends and family. You will definitely taste the difference of a healthy egg than those you have been accustomed to eating.

If you learned something new or enjoyed reading this article, please remember to share it with others. All information should be free and available to everyone who needs it. Have a great day and hope to follow all our posts.


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