Monday, May 15, 2017

What's Hiding In Your Mattress Will Surprise You

Have you ever felt something itchy on your skin when your are lying in bed? Ever felt something bit you but never saw what it is? Then suddenly you see some lumps on your skin, turns red and very itchy. These are caused by mites lurking in your bed, maybe with you not knowing. 

Your bed is home to microorganisms that strive because of dead skin and sweat. These organisms are directly linked to asthma and other allergies. These are mites or more commonly known as bed bugs.

Is it your habit to make your bed the moment you wake up? If you do, these mites are trapped in the sheets and bedding and thus survive easily. Consider trying not making your bed as soon as you wake up. Open your windows to let the fresh air and sunlight in, as this will expose these mites and will dehydrate and kill them. 

While sleeping, all if not most of us are sweating. Medical experts say that an average adult excrete about a liter of liquid through sweat while sleeping. This are very good conditions for the dust mites that reside on your mattress. 

The mites itself is not as dangerous as the scum they excrete. Mites only bites your skin that creates a itchy feeling, which an easily be relieved with some cream and last only for a while. But the scum that it excretes causes many health problems to humans, most notably casing asthma and some allergies.
The director of Prima Institute Laboratory, Carolyn Forte, recommends that we should not make our bed once we wake up but rather a little later once the fresh air and sunlight encompasses your room. Best results can be achieved when making your bed after your breakfast or just before leaving for work. You can also leave your bed as it is and make it when you are about to sleep at night. Make sure to wash and change your bedding and blankets at least every two weeks.

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